Sequence of Returns Risk
Timing is Everything
Sometimes, your timing is just off. You hit every red light or have to wait for that long train to pass. This typically amounts to little more than an inconvenience. With retirement income planning, however, timing issues can sometimes lead to major financial detours!
Market pullbacks will often have a minor impact on retirement savings strategies because savers can simply wait for the market to recover. While you may be doing a good job saving for retirement, you cannot predict when a pullback will take place, nor the impact those pullbacks will have. That same market pullback may pose a major challenge when withdrawing money from certain retirement assets. Why? When withdrawals are used for purchases, that money is no longer in the account waiting for the market to recover.
Negative market returns early in your retirement can adversely impact how long your retirement savings will last. Help minimize this risk with solutions that offer more stability within your retirement portfolio. Learn more in our video and complimentary whitepaper below.
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