Retirement Plans and Estate Planning

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you die, what will happen to your retirement plan benefits? In general, your retirement plan benefits pass to the beneficiaries you designate on the plan beneficiary designation form. Your benefits will generally be subject to estate tax...

When’s The Right Time To Retire?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Retirement is inevitable, but knowing exactly when to do so is often unclear. No matter when you begin your retirement, you’ll benefit from planning your post-work life as early as possible. According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans who...

Retirement Planning: To Roth or Not to Roth

Reading Time: 2 minutes When saving for retirement, it often makes sense to contribute to employer-sponsored retirement plans to take advantage of any available employer match opportunities. However, not everyone has access to an employer-sponsored plan. Even if you...

Creating an Income Plan While in Retirement

Reading Time: 2 minutes Taking money out of retirement without a plan is a recipe for trouble. You‘ve saved for years. Now that you are retired, did you create an income plan from your savings? The financial industry and media constantly talk about the need to save...

Choosing a Retirement Plan for Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes You’re an entrepreneur, and you’re not looking back. You’ve opened your own business, whether alone or with partners, and you’ve achieved success. Now you’re thinking about retirement, not just for you, but also for your employees. Offering a...