How Well Do You Communicate About Finances?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Seventy-two percent of couples believe they communicate well about finances. However, only 43% report making investment decisions for retirement jointly, and 45% make day-to-day financial decisions jointly.  Forty-seven percent of couples...

Why Should You Consider a Family Office?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The growth of the family office has exploded over the last couple of decades with technological innovations, entrepreneurial success, and the overall development of the wealthy demographic. This can be highlighted by the various offerings, such...

The Evolution of Family Offices

Reading Time: 3 minutes In our first article of the family office series, we explore the history of the family office and how the evolution of this unique service offering has changed how families manage wealth. The First Family Office The origins of the family office...

Balancing a Retirement Portfolio with Asset Allocation

Reading Time: 6 minutes The combination of investments you choose is as important as the individual investments themselves. In fact, many experts argue that it’s even more important, since the mix of various types of investments accounts for most of the ups and...

Choosing the Right 401(k) for Your Employees & Your Business

Reading Time: 2 minutes Implementing a 401(k) plan for your employees is good business. It means you’re thinking strategically, that you care for your employees, and are focused on the long-term health of your company. Implementing a retirement plan: Can help...